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Building a Transformative End-to-End Collections Strategy, with Dan Redivo

Connect & Collect Podcast - Episode 4


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 *Please note that the views and opinions expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not represent the views or opinions of their employer.

Mike and Dan discuss how collection strategies have evolved and how the current environment is vastly different, especially post-pandemic. Consumer communication preferences have changed, and they want more payment flexibility and options. Digital communication and payment tools with self-service capabilities give them the freedom to pay their bills when it's most convenient.

Dan shares his thoughts on how conversational AI is the next big thing to look out for as a cost-effective solution to manage rising delinquencies. Gartner estimates conversational AI could save companies $80 billion in contact center agent labor costs by 2026. 

We touched on different collection strategies from Dan's experience working with clients around the world, from businesses just starting their digital transformation to those leveraging the latest cutting-edge technology for a true end-to-end solution. He shares incredible advice on how to get started, what to consider to optimize existing strategies,  and how to measure success through data and analytics.

What we're talking about in this episode:

  • Reducing costs within contact centers with revolutionary conversational AI technology 
  • Building end-to-end digital-first strategies for businesses to optimize the customer journey
  • Offering self-service capabilities within the customer journey to improve convenience for end-users and ultimately improve CSAT scores
  • Leveraging analytics to measure success and make informed decisions based on data
  • Strategies and actionable advice on where to start with a digital transformation

Guest Profile:

Dan Redivo Bio Pic (3)Dan Redivo is the Global Head of Collections at a professional services firm. He collaborates with operations teams worldwide to help identify and remedy performance issues related to collections. Dan brings over 30 years of experience in debt collections at large banks, FinTech companies, online merchants for credit cards, personal loans, e-commerce, B2B payments, and SMBs. He's managed large scale, multi-site operations, up to a thousand FTE, including dialer, workforce management, and call quality teams to help set up collection operations for multiple online companies, including strategy, communications, billing, and reporting.

Connect with Dan Redivo on LinkedIn

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